Hey Mom, Hold My Hand.

I’m officially 35 weeks pregnant and I can”t believe we are almost near the end of it. It’s strange to think that this might possibly be my last pregnancy if things don’t pan out for a fourth. Day to day I’ve been struggling whether with allergies, back and butt pain, or even the most recent emergency dental visits to take care of a painful root canal/gum infection (which is still going on, but luckily with the meds I’m on the pain has subsided). However even with it all, I’ve been trying my best to enjoy this pregnancy as I did the last two.

There are the kicks, the jabs, the turning, and so on in which I got to enjoy with each baby very early on (12/13 weeks is when I started to feel all three of them). However there’s something so special about this one baby in me. The connection we have already. It really all started about 31-32 weeks when I could feel her tiny little hand pressed against the inside walls of my belly. I remember reaching down the right side of my belly and actually feeling the little outline of those fingers. There’s no doubt in my mind that this is/was her hand. Gliding my hand above hers I could feel her press the inside walls of my belly out a little stronger, almost as if she were trying to grasp my hand and was telling me, “Hey Mom, hold my hand.”

Elated with the overwhelming feelings and emotions, I just couldn’t stop tears from coming. I grabbed my husband’s hand and pressed it against my belly. And of course nothing. She gave no movement for daddy. I was a bit saddened at first, literally for two weeks she showed no back and forth reaction with her dad as she had shown me. But then it happened! One night after 10 minutes of mommy and me time, I grabbed my husband’s hand once again and placed it on my belly. This time she pressed her hand against her daddy’s. She moved it around and played a sort of cat and mouse game with his fingers which ran across my belly. From that night on every time he does a little poke at the right side of my belly they would play this game for a few minutes. I really truly believe she knows the difference between the two different interactions and I’m very lucky to get to feel all this until she makes her appearance.

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